Category Archives: Stories Behind the Photos

The real “Anchorman” – Mort Crim

The movie “Anchorman 2” starring Will Ferrell was just released.  Along with the Hollywood buzz about the movie and its stars, there has been a renewed interest in the man who inspired the Ron Burgundy character.  And that man is … Continue reading

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Haitians in need – A first person account

I asked Gregg to send me a blurb with some photos about what he is experiencing in Haiti.  Here is Gregg – in his own words… I have seen lots of poverty…from the Philippines to South Africa to India.  However, … Continue reading

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Habitat For Humanity in Haiti

Gregg has been photographing the Carter Projects since 1999.  He loves Habitat for Humanity because it is not about giving houses away to people, but houses are sold to partner families at no profit and financed with affordable loans.  The homeowners’ … Continue reading

Posted in Editorial, News, Stories Behind the Photos | 1 Comment

My 9/11 Experience

It was a beautiful, crisp-clear day.  As Delta flight #1283 took off at 6:30 am from Newark airport, I looked down on the World Trade Center towers and Manhattan as they were bathed in golden early morning light.  It was … Continue reading

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